
In line with Vis Viva Project development, in this section we will regularly provide the latest information and documentation relevant to introduction of the project and its impact.

The partner companies in this project will provide timely and complete information to the public before and during the environmental impact assessment procedures for planned projects.

This approach complies with the requirements of the Aarhus Convention and European best practices in providing informing and fostering public participation at the various developmental stages of major energy infrastructure projects.

Thus, even in this stage of project development, a series of project presentations featuring its key impact on individual public groups have been organized.

This way, partner companies receive valuable comments and opinions to help them better understand the issues that may be of interest to the public, as well as different expectations.

All of these aspects are meant to contribute to a higher quality of information and public participation during the public debate, so that all interested parties can make decisions in line with the principles of sustainable development.


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In the news section, you can find the latest information about the project and its potential impact.


You can send us your views, comments and suggestions by using the contact form provided in the dialogue section. The answers will be published regularly in the FAQ section.


You can view the project documentation and the project’s potential impact in the documentation section.